Uladzislau Nazarau

32 года

Зарегистрирован 25.12.2021
Рейтинг: 63
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнил заданий:0
  • Работ в портфолио: 3
  • Типовых услуг: 1

Обо мне

Welcome. My name is Vlad, I am from Belarus. I have more than 2 years of production experience in front-end development. My assignments involved working with React, Typescript, Redux. I am also fluent in Git, Redux-Saga, Material-Ui. My current English level is A2. You can find some of my pet-projects on my GitHub https://github.com/vladNew91. Have a nice day!


  • Веб-разработка
  • Программирование и IT


Программирование и IT — JavaScript ,


Multipage site

Multipage site


Stack: html, css...

Weather app

Weather app

This is Simple Weather App with two pages.

Home page:
shows the weather for the next 3 days in Minsk (by default),
there are 3 ...

ключевые слова: front-end development.