Weather app
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- Опубликовано: 2021-12-26
This is Simple Weather App with two pages.
Home page:
shows the weather for the next 3 days in Minsk (by default),
there are 3 buttons on the page, the cities are switched (Minsk, London, New York) with the subsequent updating of the page,
selected city stay saved after reloading the page.
Second page:
displays hourly weather forecast for the specified city,
on initialization the page takes the city from the URL (the path for example: .../in/Milan),
there is a text box with change city.
List of technologies:
React baced on Create React App, functional components, hooks.
Home page:
shows the weather for the next 3 days in Minsk (by default),
there are 3 buttons on the page, the cities are switched (Minsk, London, New York) with the subsequent updating of the page,
selected city stay saved after reloading the page.
Second page:
displays hourly weather forecast for the specified city,
on initialization the page takes the city from the URL (the path for example: .../in/Milan),
there is a text box with change city.
List of technologies:
React baced on Create React App, functional components, hooks.
Пример реализации
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