Вина Лапкес


34 года

Зарегистрирована 09.09.2010
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  • Работ в портфолио: 27
  • Типовых услуг: 0

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Мне 26 лет, я шеф-редактор в МИА Россия Сегодня, заведую отделом соцсетей на англоязычном сайте Sputnik News.
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Aesthetics of Japanese Cuisine

Aesthetics of Japanese Cuisine

Перевод реферата "Эстетика японской кухни"
Abbreviations and their Meaning in the English Language

Abbreviations and their Meaning in the English Language

Курсовая по английской лексикологии

S7 Group уплывает в космос

S7 Group уплывает в космос

За “примерно $160 миллионов”, компания S7 Group купила 27/09 плавучий космодром “Морской старт” у РКК “Энергия”.
(Тестовое зада...
Forever in my Life:Album Sales Rise 42,000% After Prince’s Death

Forever in my Life:Album Sales Rise 42,000% After Prince’s Death

Prince, the pop legend who was the number one selling artist in the world, having sold 100 million records in his lifetime, may ...
Pokemon Go,Literally Better Than Sex:Game Tops Porn Search Rates

Pokemon Go,Literally Better Than Sex:Game Tops Porn Search Rates

Nintendo has done the impossible once again. Not did the company get Pokemasters outdoors for some much-needed exercise, their n...
Leonardo DiCaprio Paints Mona Lisa – Still No Oscar (VIDEO)

Leonardo DiCaprio Paints Mona Lisa – Still No Oscar (VIDEO)

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith takes a revolutionary approach to art, crediting actor Leonardo DiCaprio with renaissance artist’s...
Mind Over Matter: Can Congress Wish Global Warming Away?

Mind Over Matter: Can Congress Wish Global Warming Away?

A new chapter of the Keystone XL saga unfolds as Senator Bernie Sanders introduces a “sense of Congress” amendment that will for...

G-Waves & Surprises: Sputnik Meets Scientist Behind Interstellar

G-Waves & Surprises: Sputnik Meets Scientist Behind Interstellar

Rockstar astrophysicist Kip Thorne told Sputnik about LIGO’s latest work on gravitational waves research, “emotional” science an...
Hand Made Food: Усанова о новом проекте

Hand Made Food: Усанова о новом проекте

Интервью с Еленой Усановой и новых начинаниях, вскусной еде и нахождении себя на кухне.
Королевы, пережившие века

Королевы, пережившие века

Заметки о королевах-долгожительницах, которые правили государствами и сердцами десятилетиями.
Smart Course: Чему не учат в школе

Smart Course: Чему не учат в школе

Идейные вдохновители проекта расскажут, что же
происходит на занятиях в Smart Course. (Интервью)
Torture Tales: Gitmo Detainee Publishes House of Horrors Diary

Torture Tales: Gitmo Detainee Publishes House of Horrors Diary

The Guantanamo Diary is an astonishing account of Mohamedou Slahi’s first years of detention in the world’s most notorious priso...
Afghanistan’s Ghost Police: US Pays Mlns for Non-Existent Force

Afghanistan’s Ghost Police: US Pays Mlns for Non-Existent Force

American post-war generosity strikes again. In the last 13 years the US has bought useless planes, built overpriced power plants...
9 вещей, которые нужно знать о новом налоге на недвижимость

9 вещей, которые нужно знать о новом налоге на недвижимость

Почти каждый слышал о большом и страшном налоге на недвижимость по кадастровой стоимости, но мало кто знает, что уже в 2016 году...
Life of Pi: Today’s Most Celebrated Number (Literally)

Life of Pi: Today’s Most Celebrated Number (Literally)

Pi day is upon us, and the Internet’s scientific community, along with pun lovers, pie lovers and everybody else, take to showin...
Legends of Aragvi: Sputnik Explores Historic Restaurant (VIDEO)

Legends of Aragvi: Sputnik Explores Historic Restaurant (VIDEO)

Usually, you come to a restaurant for the delicious food, the flawless service or the overall pleasant atmosphere. While Aragvi ...
What CIA Torture Report Has Shown (Other Than Torture)

What CIA Torture Report Has Shown (Other Than Torture)

‘American people have a right – indeed, a responsibility – to know what was done in their name; how these practices did or did n...
From Kazakhstan to Cosmos: What You Should Know About Baikonur

From Kazakhstan to Cosmos: What You Should Know About Baikonur

On June 2, 1955, the first and largest cosmodrome (space port), was officially created along with the town of Baikonur in the Ka...
It’s Groundhog Day... Again

It’s Groundhog Day... Again

While many eyes on February 2nd might be on Punxsutawney Phil on the 130th Groundhog Day ceremony held by Pennsylvania’s top-hat...
Anonymous: Let’s Troll the Hell Out of Those Daeshbags!

Anonymous: Let’s Troll the Hell Out of Those Daeshbags!

The hacktivist group Anonymous is bringing a new weapon to the digital battle against notorious terrorists - laughter. The group...
Pokemon Go Get in Trouble: Online Hoaxes and Real-Life Fail

Pokemon Go Get in Trouble: Online Hoaxes and Real-Life Fail

Apart from actually getting people to exercise, Pokémon Go is raining chaos on the world, seemingly causing car accidents, ...
Can You Afford to Marry Me?

Can You Afford to Marry Me?

It doesn’t matter if you’re marrying a refugee or a millionaire – you’ll still end up alone on Christmas if you’re young, a publ...
Danger, High Voltage! Shocking Truth about Miami Police

Danger, High Voltage! Shocking Truth about Miami Police

Are Miami cops just too lazy to use their words instead of brute force?
'Every Show's a New Challenge': Behind the Scenes at Moscow Pyro

'Every Show's a New Challenge': Behind the Scenes at Moscow Pyro

Sputnik sat down with the men behind the II International Rostech Fireworks Festival Muscovites will be enjoying Saturday and Su...
Uber Tough Year: One Company's Very Unpleasant Ride

Uber Tough Year: One Company's Very Unpleasant Ride

The platform, offering its services to all seeking convenient and reliable transportation, had become famous a couple of years a...
Аутисты @: Как они нашли свой голос онлайн

Аутисты @: Как они нашли свой голос онлайн

Статья о том, как интернет изменил жизнь людей с аутизмом.

ключевые слова: качественно, оригинально, со вкусом.