Tatiana Shvets


Зарегистрирована 06.07.2023
Рейтинг: 54
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнилa заданий:0
  • Работ в портфолио: 4
  • Типовых услуг: 0


  • Веб-разработка


Furniture for office and home from ECO materials

Furniture for office and home from ECO materials

We FurniCare company is engaged in the production of furniture for office and home. We have been producing since 2009: we have o...

Delivery  of a balanced nutrition

Delivery of a balanced nutrition

This is an educational project. According to the assignment, it was necessary to create a delivery site for proper nutrition rat...
Delivery  of a balanced nutrition

Delivery of a balanced nutrition

This is an educational project. According to the assignment, it was necessary to create a delivery site for proper nutrition rat...

Online jewerly store

Online jewerly store

The task of the project is to develop a modern and minimalist design for an online jewelry store — rings, bracelets, necklaces, ...