Shariq  Shaukat
Зарегистрирован 29.04.2023
Рейтинг: 56
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнил заданий:0
  • Работ в портфолио: 1
  • Типовых услуг: 1

Обо мне

Throughout my ongoing career, I've developed a diverse skill set spanning DevOps, tools, and Full Stack Web Development. I've gained valuable insights into what it takes to succeed in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

As a DevOps engineer, I specialize in optimizing software delivery pipelines, improving scalability, and increasing efficiency through the use of cutting-edge tools and technologies. I'm passionate about using my expertise to help clients achieve their goals and drive innovation in their respective industries.

In addition to my DevOps experience, I'm also proficient in Full Stack Web Development. This allows me to build and deploy robust, high-performance web applications that meet clients' unique needs and exceed their expectations.


  • Программирование и IT
  • Веб-разработка


Программирование и IT — Python 
Веб-разработка —


Ecommerce Website Built in Django

Ecommerce Website Built in Django

I have programmed Full stack Ecommerce Website Using Django, It is live on