Алина Зеленская


Зарегистрирована 29.01.2020
Рейтинг: 72
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнилa заданий:5
  • Работ в портфолио: 2
  • Типовых услуг: 0
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все круто, рекомендую)

Ирина Трохина
Ирина Трохина irina0505.02.2021
Решить 13 дифуравнений

Работа выполнена качественно и в срок.

Aleksey Vasilev
Aleksey Vasilev alekseyvas01.02.2021

Обо мне

I am a front-end developer in Vue(2,3)/Nuxt(2,3)/React.
I also write various parsers and programs for automation in Python.

Technologies I use:

Hard skills:

- Total commercial frontend experience of ~3 years (Vue, Nuxt, Vuex, TypeScript).
- I grew from a HTML/CSS/JS developer to a front-end developer.
- I started my way to the frontend by studying and configuring Webpack (I follow its updates) and Parcel and using Pug (mixins, markup), then I tried Vue and React.
- In addition to the frontend, I am learning to develop a backend on Express.js (will try Python in the future).
- I study in more detail algorithms and data structures.
- I love interfaces. I do not have specialized knowledge in UI / UX, but there is some inner voice that tells me whether it will be convenient to use this or that solution or not.
- I like it when the site lives. I love animations and go deep into them. I look towards Three.js.
- I had to create desktop applications on Electron and Vue (in conjunction).
- Worked with blockchain. With the help of Web3.js, Ethers.js and Metamask, I created authorization in desktop applications and a link with the blockchain on websites.
- Work with Sockets.
- Wrote a backend in Express and Python.

Soft skills:

- I understand that programming is not only about writing code, but also about interacting with your team, the ability to design, set and solve problems, and grow professionally.
- Communication with the teams took place in Discord, Slack and Signal.
- To store the code I use GitHub, GitLab, Self-hosted Gitlab, Gitlab Ci/Cd.
- For tasks I used Clickup (Jira-like), Jira, YouTrack.
- I used Wakatime to keep track of time.
- Also I worked with Kanban boards and adhered to the principles of Agile, including the team constantly working to deliver high-quality results in sprints with possible flexibility.


  • Веб-разработка
  • Графический дизайн
  • Программирование и IT
  • Тексты


Веб-разработка — Дизайн сайтов ,
Графический дизайн — Логотипы 
Программирование и IT —
Тексты —