Никита Осипов


23 года

Зарегистрирован 01.08.2017
Финансовый и инженерный катарсис для народа

Никита Осипов mobile_dev

Рейтинг: 145
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнил заданий:0
  • Использует:Boutique
  • Работ в портфолио: 0
  • Типовых услуг: 0
Разработка и верстка веб-приложения с использованием web3.js

МАКСИМАЛЬНО БЕЗОТВЕТСВЕННЫЙ И НЕАДЕКВАТНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК! На словах все знаю и умею, аппелирует техническими терминами при разгово…

Владимир Иванченко
Владимир Иванченко olgabuhgalter26.12.2021

Обо мне

summary: more than 3 years of software development experience, I have been creating web applications on Python with frameworks such as Django, Flask, web2py for the last two years. I have experience in administration Linux, and web servers: Nginx, Gunicorn, etc.
— Python, Ruby, Golang, TypeScript, JavaScript, Bash, Solidity.
— Ruby on Rails, Django, Flask, Aiohttp, Tornado, Vue.js, Angularjs.
— SQLite3, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, DinamoDb.
— Understanding of Linux. I use Ubuntu as the main OS.
— Docker, CI/CD, Git/Git-Flow, TDD, Nginx, Gunicorn, Puma, Passenger
— Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum, Smart contracts
— Understanding the basics of computer science
— https://stepik.org/users/38620331
— https://www.coursera.org/user/486210f8056c6b5233e8843b48cb965b
— https://www.udemy.com/user/nikita-533/

August 2017 – Jule 2018
Freelance. What did I do:
web applications and a RESTful API with DjangoRESTFramework.
Front-End on Vue.js and other frameworks.
deploy services from Docker to Heroku and AWS.
parse web pages.

August 2018 – September 2018
crypto-market.co I created the application for the ICO. I used Celery, Redis and web3.py(python library) for working with smart contracts.

November 2018 – June 2019
Ltd RndSoft(https://rnds.pro) I worked on the big financial system ESIA with Ruby on Rails/Angularjs for the FinTech. Underscore.js is the library to write clean code on CoffeeScript. I gained experience working prioritize tasks, and work by the Agile principles.

June 2019 – September 2019
WB-Tech(https://wbtech.ru). I used Python with Django to support arendohod.io. This is a GIS application for the Russian market. It helps entrepreneurs to account his franchises.

October 2019 -Present
swapzilla.co I was directly involved in realizing the architect of the system. I helped the team made the MVP.
AWS Python 3.8 Django 2.8 PostgreSQL 11 Redis DinamoDB


  • Программирование и IT
  • Веб-разработка
  • Инженерия
  • Музыка / Звук
  • Переводы
  • Тексты


Портфолио не заполнено.
ключевые слова: python, djanog, flask, web2py, dataanalyzing, da, web, excel, qt, pyqt, desktop,.