').attr('src', $(img).attr('src')).load(function() { if( this.width < 2 ) $('img.fav-ico').addClass('empty') }); } else {$('img.fav-ico').addClass('empty')} }
Full SEO sites optimization (keywords optimization included);
SEO copywriting services for website landing pages;
SEO audit services and technical site correction;
Improving site pages visibility in search results;
Semantic core development and clustering.
Targeted social media ads
Promotion of pages on Facebook
Youtube channel promotion
Social media remarketing
Contextual advertising accounts audit;
Semantic core target selection;
Producing selling text ads;
Setting up contextual advertising accounts Google Advertising (AdWords) and Yandex.Direct;
Dynamic remarketing and standard remarketing;
Google Shopping;
Video advertising, video marketing;
Product campaigns;
Maintenance of advertising campaigns;
Main principle about myself:
I meet my deadlines, always. Otherwise, I will not participate on the project. If engaged - be sure - I will do it on time and, in most cases, even earlier. I prefer a customer, who sets distinct tasks.
Uphold deadlines.
Quality work.
Reasonable prices.
My time online - up to 10 p.m., 5 days a week (on Saturday and Sunday, I devote time to my family and rest).
Friendly conversationist, prefer to have a constructive discussion.