Максим Осипов


51 год

На сайте с: 19.10.2017
Рейтинг: 3 543
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнил заданий:20
  • Работ в портфолио: 1
  • Типовых услуг: 0
  • Провел конкурсов: 0
  • Открыл тендеров: 0


  • IT-технологии и Разработка


AJAXAntispam and Antivirus ApacheAPIAsteriskBluetooth C/C++/C#CCNACDMACentOSCiscoCompilercPanelcURLDatabaseData ModelingData StructuresDesktop ApplicationsDesktop SupportDHTMLDrupalEmbedded SystemFFmpegFireWallGeolocationHTMLHTML5Internet SecurityJavaScriptjQueryJSONKernelLAMPLinkedInLinuxMac OSMac OS XMobileMooToolsMySQLNetCatNetwork AdministratorNetwork AnalystNetwork ArchitectNetwork EngineerNetworking DesignNetwork ManagerNetwork ProgrammingNetwork SpecialistPayPalPHPPostgresSQLPythonQtScripts & UtilitiesSecurity AnalystSecurity EngineerSecurity Infrastructure ArchitectSOAPSQLSubversionSystem AnalysisSystem ProgrammingTCP/IPUnixVOIPVPNWeb Security ManagerXHTMLXMLXSLTYouTubeZendАпгрейд компьютераАссемблерВеб-программированиеЗащита информацииИнтеллектуальные услуги Консультации в сфере ITКонсультированиеНастройка сервера / ПООбеспечение безопасности данныхПодбор и оценка конфигурации компьютера и комплектующихПрочее программированиеРазработка CMSРазработка баз данныхРазработка прикладного ПОРазработка системного ПОРемонт цифровой техникиСистемное администрированиеСкрипты / Web-приложенияСлужба поддержкиТелекоммуникационные услугиХостинг

Обо мне

Director Of Information Technology Department, Senior GNU/Linux administrator and C/C++/PHP/Python/JS/Bash programmer with 14 years of experience, with a strong performance background in wide variety of automation, professional system support and solution-based IT services for GNU/Linux Systems (or administrations) including developing, monitoring, configuration, troubleshooting and maintenance of operating systems.

Work experience
• ZAO “Netcom Systems”, an IT company in Kyiv, Ukraine. Developing professional sites on own CMF. Senior PHP developer. 2003-2007
• Unnamed company in Ukraine, IT-security and government projects. Director of Information Technology Security Department. 2008-2012
• Viosoft, Inc. 2015-2017 (www.viosoft.com). Senior system administrator, administering 156 servers, 8x40GBit networks, worked mostly for Intel on their DPDK project. Our customers was Intel, HP, Oracle, Sun and others, and we maintained all their networks. All servers was located in our office in California. I left, because the company decided to focus mostly on DPDK and porting applications to it (long-term contract with Intel), but my main interest is GNU/Linux core kernel technologies, not dependent from any hardware.
• After working at Viosoft, I discovered the benefits of working in a big international company, and I decided to focus on finding a long-term interesting work in a big company. We had weekly and daily meetings with people from 5 continents, once per week a meeting with Intel representatives, 156 HQ/Hi-tech servers, most with 24-48 cores and 128-256GB of RAM, 4-8x10TB links, NAS, 40k$ switches and many different expensive hardware, which you will not meet in working by freelance or on own projects. I was the main system administrator for all these servers and infrastructure, and opened a little team locally in my city, having my own team in my office.
• Most of work I did was freelance, my own websites/projects and different one-time-jobs

Донастройка postfix

Быстро, качественно. Спасибо

Иван Ковалев
Иван Ковалев bsdshaman18.09.2024
настройка Collabora или ONLYOFFICE на Nextcloud сервер (для просмотра doc/xls файлов)

Если коротко - Молодец. Выполнил быстро и качественно! Спасибо ему!

Ocyris ocyris19.07.2024
Нужно поднять VPS сервер, настроить VPN у меня на компе, чтобы работало в Китае

Максим отлично все сделал и объяснил, все отлично работает!

Степан Гусамов
Степан Гусамов sgusamov11.09.2023
Задания/вакансии размещенные пользователем Максим Осипов