First Project
Дата регистрации 21.01.2017
Рейтинг: 100
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнено заданий:1
  • Использует:Boutique
  • Работ в портфолио: 10
  • Типовых услуг: 0
  • Провел конкурсов: 0
  • Открыл тендеров: 0

Лучшие работы



SkyCandy is a revolutionary new Sunrise and Sunset forecast app that uses live weather data at your location (and other location...
Ghosts and Monsters

Ghosts and Monsters

With iOS11 and activated ARKit on your phone, you can see and fight with the virtual creatures like they would be around you in ...
Mosquito Hunter

Mosquito Hunter

Mosquitos -
Are you irritated by mosquitoes? It is time to hunt!
Many mosquitoes are flying around on your camera. Touch the sc...

Обо мне

First Project - team of Android/IOS developers with 5 years of experience creating Android/IOS applications

Android: Java, Kotlin
iOS: Swift, Objective-C
Cross: C++, JavaScript

Working with us you get a quality product for the development of your business!
We have a lot of experience in mobile development!
For us, your feedback and achievement of a common goal are important!

During this time we have come a long way - today our applications successfully use restaurants, cafes, bars, fitness clubs, beauty salons, temples, etc.

Initially, we wanted to make mobile applications available not only for large, but for medium and even small businesses.

We succeeded!

First Project mobile applications combine excellent functionality (they have everything you need to successfully increase their sales) and the most attractive price on the market.

Choosing our mobile applications, you get maximum benefits!


  • Программирование и IT
  • Веб-разработка


Программирование и IT — Android , C/C++/C# , iOS ,
Веб-разработка — Landing Page ,




Memorix – is a multifunction application for storing various information, it’s easy to use. If you want to learn some foreign la...
CTLF Driver App

CTLF Driver App

Smart CTLF airport transfer and on demand professional taxi app for LONDON and UK. Be a part of the family of professional airpo...

Deus Real Tarot

Deus Real Tarot

Tarot cards - this is the most famous and shrouded mystery riddle of the system for fortune telling, the secret of its history h...

Fotocast - Weather Forecast for Photographers

Fotocast - Weather Forecast for Photographers

Fotocast is revolutionary and powerful real-time hyperlocal weather forecast app tailored for professional photographers. Fotoca...
MDS (Mobile Discount System)

MDS (Mobile Discount System)

Plastic cards do not fit in your pockets? Do you constantly forget their homes? The purse weighs "kilogram"? No problems!
Now al...

DrNona Cosmetics

DrNona Cosmetics

Сайт Dr.Nona
First Project

First Project

Это сайт нашей компании First Project