Axmadjon Boltaboev
Дата регистрации 05.12.2023
Рейтинг: 34
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнено заданий:0
  • Работ в портфолио: 4
  • Типовых услуг: 0


  • 3D графика


Modelling Texturing Rendering

Modelling Texturing Rendering

I Have made this all models in this scene i use free software Blender

Modelling Texturing Rendering

I Have made this all models in this scene i use free software Blender

3D Modelling texturing rendering

3D Modelling texturing rendering

I Model this object in Blender and texturing lighting rendering

3D Modelling Matchmoving Green Screen removing and Compositing

3D Modelling Matchmoving Green Screen removing and Compositing

I Used Blender After Effects Pf Track this VFX shot i remove green screen after that matchmoving modelling rendering and composi...