Сергей Орлянский


28 лет

Зарегистрирован 14.02.2018
Рейтинг: 70
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнил заданий:0
  • Работ в портфолио: 0
  • Типовых услуг: 0

Обо мне

I'm an architect who wants to become an artist because I've always loved to paint. Unlike architecture, the 2D world has no regulatory constraints, and it makes me free. Now I am improving my skills and discovering the world of professional 2D art. In the near future I want to become an illustrator or environment artist. I will be glad to receive any advice and criticism about my works. Thank you for being interested in my creativity.


  • Арт / Иллюстрации / Анимация
  • Графический дизайн


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