Write an Android application

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Стоимость:17 000 рублей
Срок выполнения:30 дней
Варианты оплаты:Без предоплаты
Дата публикации:2016-03-13 11:45
Был на сайте:2021-10-29 13:34

Write an Android application


i want the andriod developer ... my project is the bus traking ......the app should locate the particular location and bus addrees in google api (maps)

the user has to know the user curent location and bus curent location
when the driver has started hee will press the button
then the users will gettt theee notification
like (the bus is started )

I need bus tracking app
the driver app and
user app
the user will
then login

payment via paypal.

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