TradeBot: Copy Gecko strategies feature (Node.js)

Задание закрыто
Стоимость:110 000 рублей
Срок выполнения:7 дней
Варианты оплаты:По договоренности
Дата публикации:2024-02-15 14:15
Был(а) на сайте:2024-02-17 11:49

TradeBot: Copy Gecko strategies feature (Node.js)


ADAMANT Trading & Market making bot is a software to make trade volume, support spread and maintain liquidity/depth, order books on crypto exchanges. It’s written in Node.js, and stores data in MongoDB.


This task is to copy Gecko’s functionality to run trading strategies such as RSI
— Create a connector between strategy and and the adamant-tradebot
— Add commands to run trading strategy
— Work in live trading environment
— Work on backfilled historical data — simulation backtest
— Work in live trading environment — simulation paper trading, fake balances
— Draw trading chart results (Gecko also does it)

Docs on Gecko:

Adamant-tradebot has connectors to exchanges, except candle sticks endpoints — you will add them.

After you finish the task, a user can:
— Use any trading strategy f...

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Гульнара Смирнова
Cпециализация: Программирование и IT
  • 110 000 руб7 дней
Good afternoon!
I carefully read the task, and I think that it is quite possible to do it in the specified time.
I am fluent in nodejs, express, and also nestjs, which is a nodejs framework. If you don't mind, I could write a connector for the bot on it.

Оставлять заявки могут только авторизованные пользователи.

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