Stocks / PAMM Analysis, 14.6K words, Video script translation, RU into EN

Задание закрыто
Стоимость:1 рубль
Срок выполнения:1 день
Варианты оплаты:Без предоплаты
Дата публикации:2017-06-15 20:29
Был на сайте:2021-08-31 11:14

Stocks / PAMM Analysis, 14.6K words, Video script translation, RU into EN


Dear Translators,

I'm making an English version of my YouTube channel. In general it's about financial consulting. I'm helping people to make wiser investment decisions, by recommending them various quality financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, PAMMs, etc.

So the first step is to translate 12 videos: 6 about stocks and the other 6 about PAMMs. That makes 14 673 words in total.

It's not too complicated, the style is quite colloquial (these are videos on YouTube after all). However I expect you to be fully familiar with general terms from fundamental and technical analysis (such as "Net income", "EBITDA", "ROE", "Trend line", "Support/Resistance", etc.).

If everything goes good, this will be a more or less regular job: a video or two per week.

I need these videos to be translated till the 25th of June 2017.

If you're interested, please translate a small sample text and send it to wealth··· along with your quote for this job. Thank you.

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