Booster (MMO)

Вакансия закрыта
Зарплата:21 000 рублей
Дата публикации:2018-10-10 11:54
Обновлено:2021-06-18 13:41
Был(а) на сайте:2021-10-06 02:27

Booster (MMO)


ItemForge MMO Shop is recruiting boosters for the upcoming Diablo games and other titles we currently do not have in our shop.

We Offer:
- A lot of freedom and/or flexible hours.
- Long term: this job is for years - the game may change, but the players remain the same!
- Wide variety of interesting tasks, no day is the same.
- 30 paid days off (of your choice) a year so you can celebrate holidays of your country/religion and/or take vacation(s).

We Require:
- Professionalism.
- Passion for MMO games.
- Ability to read, adapt and learn fast (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date).
- Minimum 40h a week.
- At least communicative English
- Stable internet + PC able to handle the newest MMO games.

BOOSTER 40+h a week (1-3$ / hour - about 200-500$ / month)
Special requirements: online a lot. This offer is for basic services (minimal game knowledge and average+ skills). This work is about achieving specific goals within a set deadline. The more games you learn, the more orders y...

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