Перевод технической информации для разработчиков ПО и на базе различных платформ. Страниц: 5 Знаков (без пробелов) 12394 Срок: 3 дня Стоимость: (1800 знаков - 200 руб) 1400 руб
Пример текста: ...Maemo is a computer architecture platform built on desktop open source components. It is aimed at enabling applications and innovative technology for mobile handheld devices. ...Since the Alpha SDK was released on March there have been about 50 applications developed by community developers and available in the Fremantle extras-devel repository. This is the recommended location for unstable software targeting Maemo 5. Developers are encouraged to use this repository to expose their work and gather early feedback. eCoach, OMWeather and OSM2Go can be found among the remarkable community projects reaching the alpha stage.
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The maemo platform
The maemo platform
Перевод технической информации для разработчиков ПО и на базе различных платформ.
Страниц: 5
Знаков (без пробелов) 12394
Срок: 3 дня
Стоимость: (1800 знаков - 200 руб) 1400 руб
Пример текста:
...Maemo is a computer architecture platform built on desktop open source components. It is aimed at enabling applications and innovative technology for mobile handheld devices.
...Since the Alpha SDK was released on March there have been about 50 applications developed by community developers and available in the Fremantle extras-devel repository. This is the recommended location for unstable software targeting Maemo 5. Developers are encouraged to use this repository to expose their work and gather early feedback. eCoach, OMWeather and OSM2Go can be found among the remarkable community projects reaching the alpha stage.
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