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Другие работы автора:
AUSTRALIA. BATHROOM INTERIOR DESIGN RENDERING Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Interior Visualization | CGI 2018 Australia
SULLIVAN’S ISLAND. KITCHEN INTERIOR Modeling&Visualization of Interior Project. 3D Modeling | Interior Design | Visualization | CGI 2018 Sullivan's Island, USA
ATLANTA, USA. GRANT PARK FITNESS & SKY LOUNGE CGI Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Interior Visualization | CGI 2018 Atlanta, USA Advertising Images for Residential Complex - Grant Park FF&E, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Modeling and Visualization of Fitness …
WASHINGTON, D.C. ECKINGTON APARTMENTS Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Interior Design | Visualization | CGI 2017 Washington, D.C., USA Advertising Images of Apartment Development - Eckington Yards. Eckington Yards is a new apartment developmen…
Дом LOМI Моделирование и визуализация классической архитектуры по предоставленны чертежам планов и фасадов.
Kelowna, Spland Road Townhomes Kelowna, Spland Road Townhomes Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project.
House Facades Modelling, texturing, lightening and visualization of 11 family houses. Client has provided me with projects in *.pdf format and colour schemes of finishes. I created models of the houses and environment according to client's instructions and wishes.…