Дарья Гирина
Была на сайте: 18.02.2022 19:57

Дарья Гирина Darya_Girina

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Haviland Tuf - Engineer of the Federal Empire's 

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  • Опубликовано: 2021-12-19
Tuf Voyaging is a science fiction fix-up novel by George Martin created from several short fiction stories about adventures of Haviland Tuf. He is extraordinary person, exceptionally unorthodox and I’d say he’s genius. Haviland Tuf is tall, bald, pale, overweight, a very clever man, able to intellectual development incessantly. He is also very well-behaved, civilized, moral, discreet person, phlegmatic, vegetarian, cat-loving-but-otherwise very solitary... I used as my source inspiration works of Hugo Boss, famous German fashion designer / 1885 - 1948. He was the founder of the fashion house Hugo Boss AG. Hugo Boss founded his own clothing company in Metzingen In the 1930s, it produced uniforms for the Hitler Youth, the postal service, the national railroad and Wehrmacht. Its uniform is an amazing examples of elegance in the history if fashion design. Now Hugo Boss is a German luxury fashion house and one of the largest German clothing companies with global sales. The leading symbol of the Federal Empire's Ecological Engineering Corp of the Earth is the Greek letter "theta" - Θ. So when I was developing the details of the suit, I used this letter as the basis of my design.
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