Sergey Pashkevich
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The grandson of the Iditarod 

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  • Опубликовано: 2018-08-18
Ray Redington Jr, based in Willow, a third-generation musher from Alaska's most famous mushing dynasty, is the iconic image of a native Alaskan.

- How long have you lived in Alaska and why are you still here?
- I was born and raised in Alaska. I was born in 1975. My grandfather, Joe Redington Sr., came from Oklahoma, he drove by and homesteaded. And my mom is from Unalakleet, Alaska. It is on the coast of the Bering sea. I am a musher, I race dogs. I've done 16 Iditarod races so far. I ran my first Iditarod in 2001. Why I am still here? I don't think there is any better place.

- Alaska is…
- Home. Place where I can ride my dogs. It is good here do hunting and fishing and I grew up doing that. So I am also a hunter. I like to hunt moose, sheep, caribou, bear.
- What is the spirit of Alaska in terms of values people live?

- I guess, racing dogs, being out in the wilderness… You know, it is the people that really make it. I mean, here we are up here in Eurika. Everybody's friendly, everybody's doing outdoor..

- Since time immemorial the Native peoples of Alaska have lived here. Then the Russians came. Then Alaska became a part of the United States. In the end, who has the most claim?

- Alaska was purchased. So it belongs to the United States.

- The First Peoples of Alaska, including Inupiaq, Tlingit, Athabaskans, Yupik, Alutiiq and others, how large is their role in modern Alaska today?
- I think, the tradition is strong. The Native villages are growing today. Though some of them have gotten little bit smaller. There are Native villages in Alaska that most of the people don't know they exist.

- Alaska and the 'Lower 48': do people do things differently there?
- I don't really know. I've been out of Alaska only a few times. It seems like there are much more people and they are more in a hurry in the 'Lower 48'.

- Do reality TV shows genuinely portray Alaska or they distort it?
- I think some things are cut, in a way. I always liked the 'Deadliest Catch'. The commercial fishing in Alaska was a tough business t
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