First Russian woman in the Last Great race
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- Опубликовано: 2018-08-18
- How long have you lived in Alaska and why are you still here?
- The first time I came to Alaska was in 1989. I've lived here since 1992 when I came here for the third time and decided to stay. I have been living in Alaska for 25 years already. That makes up a quarter of a century. Everything I got is here: my family, my life. This is my place on Earth.
- Alaska is…
- homeland. I consider it my homeland. Russia? I remember back in my middle school, 6th grade, I was sitting on the bench and staring at the stars. At that moment I had a vision: I would be living somewhere far-far away, in another land. And this dream came true!
- What is the spirit of Alaska in terms of values people live?
- Freedom! What I hated in Russia was Babbittry. You couldn't leave your house without putting makeup on for everyone to gossip about you! Here in Alaska you're just what you are. You dress the way you like. Such things set you free: it doesn't matter how you look, it doesn't matter at all. Though here, too, we've got both Americans and Russians who care much about it. But in Russia you just can't escape it. If you don't pay attention to it you just get out of step. So before coming to Alaska I just couldn't imagine how all these things had been bringing me down. When I came to America I just set my mind free. To dress up nicely, yes. Still, it is not a goal in itself. In Russia it is. What did you put on? What makeup is on you? It's all extrinsic...