Перевод руководства по эксплуатации ткацкого станка 

  • 37
  • Опубликовано: 2013-09-16

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Компания Грузоперевозки We treat each step of the work with the certain attention and responsibility. In such complex sphere as logistics of consolidated cargo there are no insignificant circumstances. There are no trifles and irrelevant details in logistics. Every stage of…

Ряд документов ООО фирма ИНТРЭК 1.1. The new version of the Charter of the Limited Liability Company "INTREK" Firm", hereinafter referred to the "Company", has been developed and approved according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal La…

Перевод договора Купли-Продажи 1.1. The Seller has to transfer, the Buyer to pay and take the train cars - the tank (hereinafter - the Goods), according to the specification - Appendix number 1 - in the amount of 5 (five) units. 1.2. The Goods are handed free of the rights and cla…

Инфо о компании About our company From the moment of creation of the company” ***” we consider the way of building quality and reliable armature that can help to make the prices reasonable and relationships with our customers - friendly and reliable. We are constant…

Информационные технологии_Софт Программное обеспечение SEMDAAV, разработанное в сотрудничестве с работающими экспертами и SVST экспертами таможни в соответствии с детальным анализом SEMDAAV, как описано в PQP, но ближе к концу проекта Рабочие процедуры, методики, информационные по…

Перевод мед. справки 1. The hospital discharge replacing the exchange card serves as: a) the polyclinic (the ambulance station, dispensary) certificate sending the patient to the in-patient treatment to the other institution (if sending him to your hospital - the medical…

Перевод проекта IT PARK Kaliningrad IT- park «Kaliningrad» is a technopark specialized in the field of the advanced information technologies, providing conditions for the development of high-tech start-ups, education and training programs for innovative sectors of the economy.