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  • Опубликовано: 2012-10-24
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Обувь Actuellement, beaucoup d'hommes et de femmes sont confrontées au problème du choix des chaussures en raison de la grande taille des pieds c’est pourquoi ils ont des difficultés très souvent. Ainsi, les chaussures de grande taille …

Ряд документов ООО фирма ИНТРЭК 1.1. The new version of the Charter of the Limited Liability Company "INTREK" Firm", hereinafter referred to the "Company", has been developed and approved according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal La…

Мотиватор принятия решений Motivator Entscheidungen zu treffen

Перевод сайта про камень шунгит Shungite es conocida por sus propiedades únicas. Gracias a su estructura basada en fullerenos shungite es un mineral capaz de instalar la electricidad. Por lo tanto, es capaz de ...

Переработка технического текста на английском3 3.3 Clays and mineral-containing rocks 3.3.1 Clay minerals (kaolinite and illite) Clay minerals are hydrated silicates of aluminum, they can contain iron, magnesium and other cations. Ordinary clay minerals comprise kaolinite, illite and montmorill…

Инфо о компании About our company From the moment of creation of the company” ***” we consider the way of building quality and reliable armature that can help to make the prices reasonable and relationships with our customers - friendly and reliable. We are constant…

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