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Мотиватор принятия решений Motivator of making decisions

Перевод статей Acciones que están siendo decisivas: • Precio: dentro de pocos meses se podrán encontrar apartamentos en la costa e islas con rebajas del 60-70 % en relación al precio techo del 2006. También habrá apartamentos de buenas ca…

Перевод мед. справки с рус. на англ. для нотариального заверения 1. The hospital discharge replacing the exchange card serves as: a) the polyclinic (the ambulance station, dispensary) certificate sending the patient to the in-patient treatment to the other institution (if sending him to your hospital - the medical…

INGRAD BALTICA – The city of the programmers The project INGRAD-Baltica provides the establishment in the Kaliningrad region of the cluster of the offshore programming ICity with the location in the suburb of Kaliningrad near the village Ushakov. The program of the project includes the building…

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Перевод справки на англ There are no cerebral and meningeal symptoms. A little bit clamped. During the inspection there has been an appropriate response. The tasks are performed after several repetitions and several are not performed at all. Focused attention is problematic…

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Переработка технического текста на английском2 3.4 Other synthetic sorbents on the bases of metals Taking into account the Conventional methods, you get that among the widely spread synthetic sorbents on the bases of metals are compounds of lanthanum, oxides of manganese, activated alumina, and g…