Перевод справки на англ 

  • 36
  • Опубликовано: 2013-10-04
There are no cerebral and meningeal symptoms. A little bit clamped. During the inspection there has been an appropriate response. The tasks are performed after several repetitions and several are not performed at all. Focused attention is problematic, is held for a short period of time. She does not attend preschool institution. Cranial nerves: the sense of smell is saved. Ocular slits are symmetric. The volume of movement of the eyeballs is full, in extreme leads there is no nystagmus. Pupils are round, symmetrical. Photoreaction is (correct, normal) alive. Convergent strabismus is normal. Exit points of trigeminal nerve are painless in palpation. Palpation of the trigger points is painless. Face is symmetrical, facial expressions are alive. Swallowing and phonation are not violated. The hearing is normal. The tongue is in the oral cavity, along the midline. Deviations of the tongue are not marked.
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