Yana Dianova Lawyer


38 лет

Зарегистрирована 18.07.2020
Рейтинг: 70
Паспорт не верифицирован
Опубликовала заданий: 0
  • Работ в портфолио: 0
  • Типовых услуг: 0
  • Провела конкурсов: 0
  • Открыла тендеров: 0

Обо мне

Yana Dianova is a professional lawyer. She protects the interests of borrowers. Maintenance and evaluation of loan agreements (consumer loans, mortgages, private investments). Challenging violations of consumer rights in the provision of credit and financial services.
Preparation / verification of contracts, lawyer acts of disagreement, additional agreements and annexes to them by Yana Dianova.
Representation and protection of interests of individuals and companies in courts of general jurisdiction by a lawyer and in arbitration courts, including the stage of enforcement proceedings.
Claims work (writing and lawyer support of claims, writing responses to incoming claims by Yana Dianova).
Preparation of statements of claim, appeal and cassation complaints, objections (responses) to statements of claim.
Yana Dianova makes lawyer monitoring of current legislation, analysis of judicial practice in disputes in the field of civil law relations, economic disputes and disputes regulating credit obligations.
She has extensive practice as a lawyer. There are cases won of Yana Dianova.
A lawyer with more than 15 years of experience offers Yana Dianova services in legal support of the activities of your organization. Examination of contracts, preparation of internal documents of the enterprise, pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes and representing the interests of the customer in court (arbitration court and court of general jurisdiction), lawyer work with state and municipal authorities, Yana Dianova support of the customer's participation in tenders under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, migration issues registration of foreign workers. Working conditions: main lawyer work on remote access (email and phone), prompt response to any employer's request, weekly personal presence with the employer (the number of Yana Dianova visits to the office depends on the employer's need), 24 hours in touch without holidays and days off To minimize taxation, it is possible to sign lawyer agreement with an individual entrepreneur.


Портфолио не заполнено.
ключевые слова: yana dianova, lawyer.