Артак Овсепян
Был на сайте: 04.12.2019 15:06

Артак Овсепян w2b

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Payment Processing Server 

  • 4
  • Опубликовано: 2017-12-10
Processing Server (Processing Center)
Processing is a core of the system. Processing Server is responsible for processing payments,
forwarding payment requests to billing of the Service Providers, replenishment and withdrawal of
funds between accounts of participants in the payment system, unloading financial documents in ABS
(automated banking system), transmission/reception/verification of registries and monitoring.
Processing is strictly centralized structure, but at the same time, the principle of separation of function
modules and load distribution is observed. Processing Center (PC) is a 100% real-time system. All
incoming payment requests are processed in online mode by the rules of procedure-serial
architecture. The Processing Server uses a wide range of cryptography tools to maintain a safe
connections with all participants of the network. The administrator tools make it easy
to configure and customize the system.
The functional capabilities of Processing Server:
- Checking the details of payment by means of complex tools (semantic data filters, various
directories, the checksum algorithms and the results of payees billing servers);
- Commission calculation;
- Transaction Processing online mode;
- Unloading of financial documents in ABS;
- Conducting claims work. Operations on correcting and canceling payments made
in strict prescribed manner;
- Generation of daily / weekly / monthly registries and reconciliation of financial
- Preparation of full reports and statistics;
- Data encryption/decryption and signing/verifying of digital signature;
- Alerting about processing troubles and issues via email and SMS
The gateway with the billing servers of the Service Providers
The gateway is a single physical server that receives requests from the processing, converts them in
according to the protocol of the Service Provider and forwards them to the billing server of the Service
Provider. The answers come into the server processing in the reverse order. The gateway
communicates with processing via HTTP
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