Был на сайте: 01.12.2016 05:59

CenteraSoft techimpl

Паспорт не верифицирован

Run! Zombies! 

  • 38
  • Опубликовано: 2012-11-15
Multiplatform 2D scroller, created with Unity3D.
Комментариев нет
оставить комментарий могут только авторизованные пользователи
Другие работы автора:

Front-end сайтов покерной системы Технологии: Java Servlets (front end), xslt, html, css, JavaScript (jquery)

Lottery game

Lottery game Online lottery game with GameCenter integration and offline mode.

Card scratching game

Card scratching game Online Card scratching game with game center integration and offline mode.

Easy Trade Revolution!

Easy Trade Revolution! Learn how to trade and win a new yacht, car and build a skyscraper!!!

Basketball Game

Basketball Game Cocos2d based basketball game. Was developed as part of another app.

Spidey Swing

Spidey Swing Multiplatform game, created with Unity3D.

Атлант расправил плечи: аудиокнига

Атлант расправил плечи: аудиокнига Аудиокнига

iPad Magazine

iPad Magazine iPad magazine. Very interesting app that shows HTML articles. All content is managed by Joomla CMS.