Alex Alex
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Yuri. High grasses 

  • 1
  • Опубликовано: 2020-03-17
It is known that the wind blows due to the fact that the trees are swinging. If the grass sways, then there is a white noise and a global echo. Everything in life is uniform, regular.
We arrived to the village of Culture, and the fields were like what we needed. We were met by Leninbek.
“Hello, hello guys,” he said.
Someone thinks that places of worship are some islands, but other categories of reality exist. The mental essence of things can be like you, for example, smoke socks - at the same time, the process cannot be taken literally. Ask yourself - what the hell do you live for? Summer was burning, and it burned out completely, or maybe it was for the better.
“Here is my place,” said Leninbek, “and there is another one. But in general, I like to sit here, looking into the distance, feeling that silence penetrates the subcortex, and meditation is not needed here. The world is clean and beautiful. It is not necessary to turn off the mobile phone in order to merge your soul with the energy pendulum of the fields. The culture!
“What about mushrooms?” I asked.
“I don’t know mushroom culture. It is only known that mushrooms are not plants. Also, they cannot be called animals, it’s a sort of intermediate state. Here, you walk through the woods, and they as if whisper something to you, but how to understand your feelings? What are they? That's right, these are mushrooms. There are completely useless little families, but there are those who want to invite you to your own looback. False mushrooms are insidious. Amanita is a philosophical creature. It was not for nothing that they said that Lenin was a mushroom, because mushrooms can migrate to the world of people for creation and description, here and there. But what will these things be? Perhaps, in fact, Lenin did not build communism, he wanted to turn all people into his relatives, into mushrooms. By slow transformation. Alas, the world understood him. The mushrooms in the fields are completely different, they are not the same. Here are the bushes, the green ones.
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