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  • Опубликовано: 2024-02-03
Joy of all who sorrow church

The church devoted to joy of all who sorrow icon is the only church that wasn't destroyed during the revolution.

At the beginning of the 20th century this building served as a house church of the Eparkhial School for women. The process of building was started in 1904. It was based on the project of the head engineer of Amur region Anton Stankevich.

Unique window decorations, laced brickwork and beautiful neoclassical style porch make this building an original sample of eclectic architecture style of the 19 century. There are less then 10 such buildings left in Blagoveshchensk.

The church was consecrated in November the 6th in 1907 -- on the day of Joy of all who sorrow icon. Bishop Vladimir (The wise) was the head of the church service. The whole town gathered for the event.

The church was built because of the donations of two famous patrons - merchant of the 1st guid Vasiliy Anreyevich Levashov and his spouse Olga, the head person of the school. After the death of Olga Martynovna in 1912 she was buried under the altar in the crypt.

Domes and crosses of the church were destroyed in 1918 after the revolution. The house church had been serving as auditorium of the teachers training college.
At last Joy of all who sorrow church became a functioning Orthodox church in 2011 at the request of Bishop Lucian and by the help of education and science ministress of Amur region Marina Selyuch. It was opened for Christmas for all faithful people living in Blagoveshchensk.

The first head priest hieromonk George (Isac) had to deal with serious problems like reconstructing the original form of the building by returning the domes, repairing the interior and collecting donations for construction works and different supplies.
There was one more important thing - gathering people who will come to the church in the future.
The reconstruction was finished extremely fast (in one and half a year) with the Lord's help and with the help of kind people.

The first congregation still remember wi
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