
  • 3
  • Опубликовано: 2018-08-18
Redesign for official Puma's russian online store
Made for Oggetto
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Другие работы автора:

Befree Befree is a fashion brand which has 200 clothing and footwear shops for girls and boys all over Russia. I created a new UX/UI design of ecommerce store. Role: Independent UX/UI designer & art director Client: befree.ru Made for: Oggetto.ru


Nike Daily UI Challenge, more works here: https://www.instagram.com/kvpavlov/


Comfy Art Direction & UX/UI Design for COMFY. Made in Oggetto

Pauw Amsterdam

Pauw Amsterdam Tablet&Mobile Fashion e-Commerce Store Design. In collaboration with C. Gavrykov. Made in Oggetto, Russia & Lightmaker, Netherlands. Awwwards Honorable Mention: http://www.awwwards.com/best-websites/pauw-amsterdam/

Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani «Sky di Gioia» Landing Page UX/UI Design for GIORGIO ARMANI.