Другие работы автора:
Модель фотоаппарата Данная работа, модель винтажного фотоаппарата, сделана в Blender по канонам hard-surface моделирования. Так же использован Substance Painter для текстурирования.
An alien port The alien port was made in 1 hour in the Blender program
Абстрактная композиция Для исполнения использован Adobe Illustrator. Стиль - абстракция. Цветовое решение - триада.
Low-poly man character This character was made as part of the group work of our university
Medieval house The medieval house was made in one of the lessons with my young students
Cell Fracture This little work is based on the cell fracture addon in the Blender program
Fire Simulation Fire simulation is done in the Blender program using Fast Effects
Website design for psychology This design was made as part of the training course of our university. This is an information portal on the topic of psychology. You can see more details on the behance website