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NiMi davit98

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  • 15
  • Опубликовано: 2022-04-13
3d модель создана с помощью «SolidWorks».

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Другие работы автора:

Cripsy Project from scratch, all mechanics(endlessly repetitive lines and etc.), advertising(rewarding ads, banners, pop-ups), animations particles, other animations supported by Unity engine, responsivity, iOS integration made by me, design made by costumer.

Space Project from scratch, all mechanics, animations particles, other animations supported by Unity engine and responsivity made and programmed by little team where my task is making particle system and unity based design. Models make a hired graphic designer.

Collector Project from scratch, all mechanics, animations supported by Unity engine, JSON database and responsivity made and programmed by me, design made by costumer.

Geo Quize Project from scratch, all mechanics, data base and responsivity made and programmed by me.

Star Project from scratch, all mechanics, animations particles, other animations supported by Unity engine and responsivity made and programmed by me. Github project is private but if you want to see script example I can pass you access.

CupToCup Project from scratch, all mechanics, shop, advertising( rewarding ads, banners, pop-ups), animations particles, other animations supported by Unity engine and responsivity made and programmed by me, design made by hired designer.

Держатель для печатной платы и аккумулятора.

Держатель для печатной платы и аккумулятора. 3d модель создана с помощью «Solid Work».

держательи для печатных плат

держательи для печатных плат 3d модель создана с помощью «Solid Work».