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3 молочных продукта в день

3 молочных продукта в день The problem was to make old and uncomfortable site to look modern, clean and useful for people. Now you can easilly find information about milk industry, ask questions, calculate how much products do you need and all that.

Сайт-визитка для турагенства

Сайт-визитка для турагенства Что входит: - Разработка дизайна сайта с нуля; - Верстка html/css: - Подключение java-скриптов; - Базовая SEO-оптимизация; - Регистрация домена, выгрузка на хостинг. Плюсы этого сайта: - Удобная галерея, функциональное меню; - Форма обратного звон…

Trivial Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit The structure of the page is classic for hasbro web site. You can see the description of the game, the interactive game (where you can win the prises), what included, how to play and where to buy.

Grezza Production

Grezza Production Landing page for young production studio from Minsk. Site is made to find more clientson internet, here you can see the types of services, the benefits, comfy portfolio, clients and contacts of the studio.

обтравка пушистого объекта

обтравка пушистого объекта обтравка пушистого объекта

Guilty Clothes

Guilty Clothes Guilty Clothes project has been created to show a society quick to condemn that it is not clothing that provokes rape. Victims have been returning home from work in a smart suit, running around the park in a tracksuit, or having a cup of coffee with …

дизайн рекламного флаера

дизайн рекламного флаера