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Другие работы автора:
AUSTRALIA. BATHROOM INTERIOR DESIGN RENDERING Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Interior Visualization | CGI 2018 Australia
ATLANTA. GRANTPARK EXTERIOR RENDERING Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Exterior Visualization | CGI 2018 Atlanta, USA
LAS VEGAS. BUILDING COMPLEX PROJECT Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Exterior Visualization | CGI 2018 Las Vegas, USA
BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION RENDERING Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Exterior Visualization | CGI 2019 USA
RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX INTERIOR & EXTERIOR CGI. BULGARIA Modeling&Visualization of Architectural Project. 3D Modeling | Exterior and Interior Visualization | CGI 2019 Bulgaria
Singapore, Holland V Room LOFT 3D Modeling | Interior Design | V This project was about design, modelling and visualization of interior of hotel room in loft style with Asian touches. Our client has provided us with requirements and reference images and with all needed info about room geometry.
Дом LOМI Моделирование и визуализация классической архитектуры по предоставленны чертежам планов и фасадов.