Перевод в стихах Одиссея Разума Ящик Пандоры 

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  • Опубликовано: 2017-06-20
Стихотворный перевод сценария
Odyssey of the Mind
Pandora’s Box
Intellectual video game «Last Resort»
Prologue to the Game (Announcer says. Heroes of the legend in costumes are acting out the following scene).
Zeus severely punished Prometheus
For his giving fire to men.
And to test them once again
He thought up a cunning plan.

Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create Pandora
Of clay and water. And as you see
She was beautiful and so
All the gods endowed her with many gifts
And Zeus presented her a box.

The box was such a thing that one
Couldn’t take one’s eyes of it!
This gift was under a ban
And must never be opened by Pandora…! Then
The case is under a seal of secrecy.

But curiosity burned the woman’s soul out.
The box’s secret kept her up at night. And so
She at least decided that

Pandora says:
"I’ll break a ban just for a minute
And however I'll glance at this magnetic box!"

She opened the box a little bit,
And at that moment it suddenly reeled
And after that something hooted and howled,
That sound was horrible and awful!

And everything darkened.
It got dark because of smoke on the spot.
And smoke was swift as the wind,
Opening every door and every window. It did it.

(Tremendous screams are heard and disasters are flown out of the box. The dance of smoke spreads disasters everywhere)

Pandora heard weeping,
Damn, complaints, moans.
That smoke carried disaster, suffering.
It was full of flaws and plagues.

Pandora says:
Hope itself is the only consolation,
It stays on the bottom of that box.

Zeus dispersed illnesses, hate and plagues among people.
He did it for the mortals and Prometheus
To know the Power of God...
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