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  • Опубликовано: 2015-06-18
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Перевод документов сметы проекта по реконструкции жилого дома REFORMA DE VIVIENDA UNIFAMILIAR AISLADA PRESUPUESTO ESTIMATIVO Información previa Datos generales • Edificación : Vivienda unifamiliar aislada • Situación : C/ Canigó, 11. Urbanización ROCA GROSSA. Parcela nº 222 .…

Договор об оказании рекламных услуг ADVERTISING SERVICES AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into as of 01 July 2013 (“Effective Date”), by and between _____________________ (Company), RTB Baltic SIA, a company registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republ…

Договор Obligations of the Parties 6.1. The Credit Grantor has the following responsibilities: 6.1.1. If the conditions specified in paragraphs 2.3, 2.4. and 2.7. of the Contract are carried out, and, if at the moment of giving out the loan there is no any c…

Переработка технического текста на английском3 3.3 Clays and mineral-containing rocks 3.3.1 Clay minerals (kaolinite and illite) Clay minerals are hydrated silicates of aluminum, they can contain iron, magnesium and other cations. Ordinary clay minerals comprise kaolinite, illite and montmorill…

Инфо о компании About our company From the moment of creation of the company” ***” we consider the way of building quality and reliable armature that can help to make the prices reasonable and relationships with our customers - friendly and reliable. We are constant…

переработка текста на английском языке4 4 Choice of the appropriate adsorbent The existing interest toward arsenic indemnification in the developing countries is based on the usage of chemical compounds with iron as they are inexpensive as well as useful (Ramaswami et al. 2001; Su et al. …

Система обучения студентов билингвов в России The internationalization of education is a characteristic trait of the development of worldwide education at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries, as there has occurred an expansion of the processes of political and economic integrat…