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Договор Obligations of the Parties 6.1. The Credit Grantor has the following responsibilities: 6.1.1. If the conditions specified in paragraphs 2.3, 2.4. and 2.7. of the Contract are carried out, and, if at the moment of giving out the loan there is no any c…

Переработка технического текста на английском2 3.4 Other synthetic sorbents on the bases of metals Taking into account the Conventional methods, you get that among the widely spread synthetic sorbents on the bases of metals are compounds of lanthanum, oxides of manganese, activated alumina, and g…

переработка текста на английском языке4 4 Choice of the appropriate adsorbent The existing interest toward arsenic indemnification in the developing countries is based on the usage of chemical compounds with iron as they are inexpensive as well as useful (Ramaswami et al. 2001; Su et al. …

Мотиватор принятия решений Motivator Entscheidungen zu treffen

Ряд документов ООО фирма ИНТРЭК 1.1. The new version of the Charter of the Limited Liability Company "INTREK" Firm", hereinafter referred to the "Company", has been developed and approved according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal La…

Перевод мед.справки There are no cerebral and meningeal symptoms. A little bit clamped. During the inspection there has been an appropriate response. The tasks are performed after several repetitions and several are not performed at all. Focused attention is problematic…

Призентация 伊斯特拉是一个白色的心的克罗地亚

перевод договора Выполнение подрядных работ В Ллорет де Мар, XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX2013 СОГЛАШЕНИЕ С одной стороны, г-н XXXXXXXXX, возраста, проживающего по адресу XXXXXXXX, улица XXXXXXXXX, и при условии соглашения номер XXXXXXXXXX. В другой, г-н XXXXXXXXX, возраста, про…