

Дата регистрации 12.07.2016
Рейтинг: 53
Паспорт не верифицирован
Выполнено заданий:0
  • Работ в портфолио: 3
  • Типовых услуг: 0

Лучшие работы

Web site

Web site

Amconsof developed web-site for Hardkiss is a Ukrainian progressive-pop band. They are known for their original sound and unique...
Online store

Online store

Online store of RST company with responsive layout, developed on a turn-key basis. This website includes the possibility to reg...


This project includes the development of software for photo printing devices from Instagramm accounts. This software includes th...

Обо мне

Good day to everyone! I'm freelancer from Ukraine and also representative of IT-company Amconsoft Inc. My specialty is Web,Soft development. I would like to offer you development of your web site (front-end, back-end) game and soft development. My strengths are following: PHP, .NET, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, Java, C, C++, Magento and etc. So I can produce mobile applications, web-sites, e-commerce projects, different kinds of software, and games. Please pay your attention on my history, feedbacks and portfolio! I'll be glad to cooperate with you as my new clients!!!!


  • Программирование и IT
  • Веб-разработка


Программирование и IT —
Веб-разработка —


Портфолио не заполнено.
ключевые слова: быстро, качественно, доступно.