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  • Опубликовано: 2016-05-01
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Другие работы автора:
Global semiconductor company

Global semiconductor company Development of crypto-currency related online portal. Overall responsibility for the department: - Software development plan - Project Architecture - Metodology and feature lifecycle - Git-flow - supervision of the software development and implementa…


Socialbet.ru Online betting system


Dascapital DasKapital – Adaptive system for fundamental trading analysis. It analyzed regular reports of big hedge funds, and gave opportunity to copy portfolio structure of the most successful. It represented a strategy of “following leaders” and “avoiding loo…

ASPR Web-gate

ASPR Web-gate ASPR (Securities Expert) – Adaptive system for technical analysis. The system was design for internal use, it analyzed statistic data from 5000 financial instruments using 15 different indicators to find the best and most profitable and stable combination.

Global semiconductor company

Global semiconductor company

Cockpit Financeel

Cockpit Financeel

Fito Landing

Fito Landing

ASPR Web-gate

ASPR Web-gate